/ lunes 21 de enero de 2019

Pasó 21 años buscando la ubicación exacta de la portada de sus discos y este fue el resultado

Bartsch logra una mezcla de perfección del entorno y del paso de tiempo, ofreciendo una mirada a la historia y cultura.

Alex Bartsch, fotógrafo y amante de la música tiene una forma peculiar de rendir homenaje a sus discos de vinilo y el resultado de su arduo trabajo se ha viralizado en las redes.

Bartsch logra una mezcla de perfección del entorno y del paso de tiempo, ofreciendo una mirada a la historia y cultura; el joven capturo de manera exacta el lugar donde fue tomada la fotografía del disco, en otras palabras, tomó la fotografía superponiéndola en la zona actual.

La idea surgió cuando compré Brixton Cat LP de Joe’s All Stars, vivo en Brixton y llevé el disco al mercado donde la imagen de la portada fue tomada, lo levanté y lo volví a fotografiar a la distancia de mi brazo, haciendo que el LP coincidiera con el fondo

Desde que comenzó su proyecto, Alex Bartsch ha fotografiado en sus ubicaciones originales más de 50 portadas de discos de reggae británico, que fueron lanzados entre 1967 y 1988.

No obstante, algunos de los lugares que debe visitar requieren de un trabajo arduo de scouting, pues son difíciles de localizar. Alex ha viajado por varias partes del mundo junto a sus discos, para capturar la fotografía en el lugar exacto.

Aquí algunas de sus imágenes:

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Tomorrow: EXHIBITION LAUNCH, NOTTINGHAM Covers: Retracing Reggae Record Sleeves in the UK Saturday 21 July 2018, 2pm – 4pm New Art Exchange, Nottingham Music from DJ Princess. Complementary drinks on arrival courtesy Wray & Nephew and Appleton. Free entry . For this showing in Nottingham, an additional LP by the Nottingham-based reggae band The Natural Ites forms part of the display. The group were photographed in Wollaton Park, Nottingham, for the cover of their 1983 album, Picture on the Wall (CSA Records). . Covers will be displayed in New Art Exchange's Central Gallery and the first floor of record shop and music venue, Rough Trade Nottingham (5 Broad St, NG1 3AJ). In total it will feature over 50 reggae sleeves re-photographed decades later in their original locations, held up at arm's-length to blend in with their surroundings. Displayed alongside interviews with those involved in the making of the records, Covers offers a fascinating insight into the history of reggae music in the UK, an often overlooked but essential part of Britain's musical identity and popular culture. . Visit both New Art Exchange and Rough Trade Nottingham to view the full collection. . Exhibition runs 21 July 2018 – 9 September 2018 . Supported by Arts Council England and Art Fund . #covers #alexbartsch #alnewman #onelovebooks #newartexchange #roughtrade #nottingham #naturalites #therealistics #wollatonpark #reggae #vinyl

Una publicación compartida por Alex Bartsch (@alex.bartsch) el

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This evening - Passport to the Motherland - Migration Dreams... Friday 8 June V&A Museum Sackler Centre Reception Cromwell Rd,  Knightsbridge, London SW7 2RL  Tel: 020 7942 2000 - Doors: 18:00 - 21:45 Tickets: £3 - In the midst of the current immigration traumas, share stories of race and nation, and remember 70 yeasrs of sacrifice and achievement, against a soundtrack delivered by Norman Jay MBE and Mistah Brown on the decks for Trojan Records.  Through creative interaction, displays, talks and performances, unpack this timely discourse of migration and survival and immerse yourself in creative Caribbean nostalgia.  While Norman Jay MBE & Mistah Brown provide the musical backdrop... Dr Michael McMillan, writer, dramatist, artist, curator and scholar will share his ‘testimony’ to Migration Dreams. - See Alex Bartsch’s 'Covers: Retracing Reggae Record Sleeves in London', an immersive photographic display of London-based reggae album covers re-shot in their original locations, presented by One Love Books and curated by Al ‘Fingers’ Newman - The National Caribbean Heritage Museum (MUSEUMAND) travels from Nottingham to the V&A with suitcases full of life stories that shine a light on shared identities. - 492 Korna Klub, the UK’s only black radio-drama soap opera series, presents WITHOUT PLANNING PERMISSION, problematic scenarios for you to resolve. - Jacqueline Crookes shares stories from her recent book ICE MIGRATION about descendants of a Jamaican mixed Indian and African heritage family. - Sheba Montserrat performs her unique brand of poetry, storytelling and rhyme on the affects of migration on a people. - Jackie Mwanza transports you to a place of travel within THE GRIP NARRATIVES, where you make your own 'grip' (suitcase) and use it to showcase your personal stories and migration statement. - Krik Krak Productions presents MONOPOLIZE a new game that invites you to suggest possible inclusions of contributions made by the Windrush Generation. - This event commemorates the 70th Anniversary of the SS Windrush, and the 1948 British Nationality Act. - Image credit: Charlie Phillips, 'Vin in Chair', 2002. Charlie Phillips/ Victoria and Albert Museum, London

Una publicación compartida por Alex Bartsch (@alex.bartsch) el


Alex Bartsch, fotógrafo y amante de la música tiene una forma peculiar de rendir homenaje a sus discos de vinilo y el resultado de su arduo trabajo se ha viralizado en las redes.

Bartsch logra una mezcla de perfección del entorno y del paso de tiempo, ofreciendo una mirada a la historia y cultura; el joven capturo de manera exacta el lugar donde fue tomada la fotografía del disco, en otras palabras, tomó la fotografía superponiéndola en la zona actual.

La idea surgió cuando compré Brixton Cat LP de Joe’s All Stars, vivo en Brixton y llevé el disco al mercado donde la imagen de la portada fue tomada, lo levanté y lo volví a fotografiar a la distancia de mi brazo, haciendo que el LP coincidiera con el fondo

Desde que comenzó su proyecto, Alex Bartsch ha fotografiado en sus ubicaciones originales más de 50 portadas de discos de reggae británico, que fueron lanzados entre 1967 y 1988.

No obstante, algunos de los lugares que debe visitar requieren de un trabajo arduo de scouting, pues son difíciles de localizar. Alex ha viajado por varias partes del mundo junto a sus discos, para capturar la fotografía en el lugar exacto.

Aquí algunas de sus imágenes:

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Tomorrow: EXHIBITION LAUNCH, NOTTINGHAM Covers: Retracing Reggae Record Sleeves in the UK Saturday 21 July 2018, 2pm – 4pm New Art Exchange, Nottingham Music from DJ Princess. Complementary drinks on arrival courtesy Wray & Nephew and Appleton. Free entry . For this showing in Nottingham, an additional LP by the Nottingham-based reggae band The Natural Ites forms part of the display. The group were photographed in Wollaton Park, Nottingham, for the cover of their 1983 album, Picture on the Wall (CSA Records). . Covers will be displayed in New Art Exchange's Central Gallery and the first floor of record shop and music venue, Rough Trade Nottingham (5 Broad St, NG1 3AJ). In total it will feature over 50 reggae sleeves re-photographed decades later in their original locations, held up at arm's-length to blend in with their surroundings. Displayed alongside interviews with those involved in the making of the records, Covers offers a fascinating insight into the history of reggae music in the UK, an often overlooked but essential part of Britain's musical identity and popular culture. . Visit both New Art Exchange and Rough Trade Nottingham to view the full collection. . Exhibition runs 21 July 2018 – 9 September 2018 . Supported by Arts Council England and Art Fund . #covers #alexbartsch #alnewman #onelovebooks #newartexchange #roughtrade #nottingham #naturalites #therealistics #wollatonpark #reggae #vinyl

Una publicación compartida por Alex Bartsch (@alex.bartsch) el

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This evening - Passport to the Motherland - Migration Dreams... Friday 8 June V&A Museum Sackler Centre Reception Cromwell Rd,  Knightsbridge, London SW7 2RL  Tel: 020 7942 2000 - Doors: 18:00 - 21:45 Tickets: £3 - In the midst of the current immigration traumas, share stories of race and nation, and remember 70 yeasrs of sacrifice and achievement, against a soundtrack delivered by Norman Jay MBE and Mistah Brown on the decks for Trojan Records.  Through creative interaction, displays, talks and performances, unpack this timely discourse of migration and survival and immerse yourself in creative Caribbean nostalgia.  While Norman Jay MBE & Mistah Brown provide the musical backdrop... Dr Michael McMillan, writer, dramatist, artist, curator and scholar will share his ‘testimony’ to Migration Dreams. - See Alex Bartsch’s 'Covers: Retracing Reggae Record Sleeves in London', an immersive photographic display of London-based reggae album covers re-shot in their original locations, presented by One Love Books and curated by Al ‘Fingers’ Newman - The National Caribbean Heritage Museum (MUSEUMAND) travels from Nottingham to the V&A with suitcases full of life stories that shine a light on shared identities. - 492 Korna Klub, the UK’s only black radio-drama soap opera series, presents WITHOUT PLANNING PERMISSION, problematic scenarios for you to resolve. - Jacqueline Crookes shares stories from her recent book ICE MIGRATION about descendants of a Jamaican mixed Indian and African heritage family. - Sheba Montserrat performs her unique brand of poetry, storytelling and rhyme on the affects of migration on a people. - Jackie Mwanza transports you to a place of travel within THE GRIP NARRATIVES, where you make your own 'grip' (suitcase) and use it to showcase your personal stories and migration statement. - Krik Krak Productions presents MONOPOLIZE a new game that invites you to suggest possible inclusions of contributions made by the Windrush Generation. - This event commemorates the 70th Anniversary of the SS Windrush, and the 1948 British Nationality Act. - Image credit: Charlie Phillips, 'Vin in Chair', 2002. Charlie Phillips/ Victoria and Albert Museum, London

Una publicación compartida por Alex Bartsch (@alex.bartsch) el



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